We have closely monitored the commercial real estate market in Norway’s largest cities over many years, leveraging our local presence for a competitive advantage. This extensive knowledge is compiled into a comprehensive set of databases that provides insights into transaction and leasing levels for office, warehouse and logistics, retail, hotel, and the composition of building stock. This information, combined with our experience and market expertise, equips us with a solid foundation for analyzing and comprehending complex relationships and generating accurate forecasts. Our insights facilitate your decision-making.

We provide:
- Comprehensive market analysis and assessments pertaining to commercial real estate
- Customized reports and presentations tailored to meet your specific requirements
- Market presentations for clients
- Analytical projects at the intersection of market analysis, valuation , feasibility studies, and regional analysis.
Analysis portal- Eiendomskraft
which industrial metrics, indices, and analysis are of interest to you? Are you primarily focused on Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim or Stavanger? Our analysis portal, Eiendomskraft, offers a selection of 100 different key metrics and timelines, allowing you to customize your own property analysis portal. We provide comprehensive insights into local market conditions, including transaction volumes and leasing activities in the four largest cities. Explore our forecasts for office vacancy rates, rental prices, and yield levels. These tailored insights, combined with your defined key metrics, are designed to enhance your decision- making processes.
Information empowers. That's why we named our analysis portal Eiendomskraft (Real estate power)
Norway’s largest commercial real estate environment – DNB
What distinguishes us at DNB Næringsmegling from traditional commercial real estate brokerage firms is our active involvement in Norway’s largest commercial real estate environment- DNB. Our close collaboration with top-tier financing, macroeconomics, and asset management sectors provides us with unique market insights and network.
Thomas RamcilovicDirector Analysis

Skreddersy din egen Eiendomskraft analyseportal
- Hvilke bransjetall, indekser og analyser ønsker du å følge?
- Velg mellom 100 ulike nøkkeltall og tidslinjer
- Skreddersy ditt eget nyhetsbrev, og velg hvor ofte du ønsker å høre fra oss: daglig, ukentlig eller månedlig