Norway’s premier commercial real estate environment
DNB Næringsmegling is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DNB and an active part of the real estate strategy within Norway’s largest financial group. We are connected to a specialized expertise hub encompassing finance, real estate, sustainability, and technology. This provides our clients with unique access to market insights and both national and international investor networks.
Read more about the DNB Group here
Experience | Knowledge | Relationships
Your requirements
Through our deep understanding of real estate, extensive knowledge base, and local connections, we offer tailored services in commercial property transactions, rental, and valuation. Research provides essential market insights in an increasingly data-intensive and intricate landscape. We collaborate seamlessly across our organization and group to deliver premier commercial real estate brokerage services. At DNB Næringsmegling, our team possesses unparalleled industry expertise, experience, and networks to assess the unique qualities of each property and space, ensuring we maximize value for our clients. It’s about the entirely company, the entirely property and the entirety of the individual.
Real estate is a local business
- With branch offices strategiacally located in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Stavanger, our advisors offer in-depth knowledge of property values, rental markets, and local stakeholders.
- Our clients benefit from access to local, national, and international investors facilitated by our experienced advisors and the DNB Group.

DNB, as Norways largest financial group, has significant idnluence on the sustainable transformation in Norway. DNB Næringmsegling focuses on three priority areas where we have the greatest potential to make an impact.

View a selection of properties where we have assisted clients with rental or transaction advice.

The team
Meet our experienced advisors.

Analysis portal- Eiendomskraft
Stay updated on the market trends in the four major cities and review our market insights.

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